Badam Halwa Recipe
Delight in the rich and aromatic Badam Halwa, an exquisite Indian dessert made with almonds and flavored with saffron and cardamom.
- 1 cup almonds (badam)
- ½ cup cashew nuts
- 2½ cups sugar
- 1 cup ghee
- A pinch of saffron
- 2 to 4 cardamom pods, crushed or powdered
- A pinch of orange food coloring
1. Begin by soaking the almonds and cashew nuts in water overnight.
2. The next morning, peel the skin off the almonds. Grind the peeled almonds together with cashew nuts and a little milk until you achieve a smooth paste.
3. In a pan, combine the sugar, ghee, saffron, cardamom, orange food coloring, and the ground almond-cashew paste.
4. Cook the mixture on a low flame, continuously stirring. Keep cooking until the mixture thickens and starts leaving the sides of the pan.
Once done, remove from heat and transfer to a serving dish. The Badam Halwa is now ready to be relished. Enjoy its luxurious taste and texture!